How to Attract More Ideal Clients Creating Captivating Content


What does Make Content Captivating? 

Now, let’s talk about what makes content captivating; First, what is captivating content? 

Captivating content is thoughtful, helpful, enlightening, and/or entertaining. It’s relatable, compelling, experience based, inspiring, and/or action oriented. Your content doesn’t have to be all these things all at once! 

Create content that your audience are demanding and are looking for. It’s content that add value, or provide some quick wins or solutions to some of your target audience problems or pain points. Ideally you should choose content that can improve some aspects of your audience life or work. However, it can also be content that help the same audience to get inspired so the aim to attain one or two of those characteristics and you’ll be on the right track. 

Captivating content is aligned and designed to help your audience in some way and it’s not based on what you get but, instead, on what you give. 

What is the right approach to create and deliver captivating content? 

You have to focus on always do your best. It’s important to note that your best will change as you learn more and get better. But, for everything you create on a daily basis, ask yourself, “Is this the best I can do in the moment?” Is it the best piece of content that I can provide and deliver to my audience? Does it add something valuable to them?

There are a few guiding principles you should know: 

- Make it About Them, Not You. 

Even when you’re sharing a story about you and your own experiences always find a way to tie it back to your avatar. Ask always these important questions? What’s in it for them? Why should they care? How does this help them? 

- Don’t Focus on Making Money.

When creating content don’t think about making money and I know what you are thinking about. We are all in business and we are here to generate revenues at some point. We are entrepreneurs, after all, and we are running a business. That is completely true, but if you focus on how to help your target audience instead add as much value as you can for them, trust me money will follow.

When you’re creating content I want to encourage you to make it more about the impact, the transformation and the results. Money will be a consequence of all this effort.

Let me give you an example,  the most successful Social Media Experts such as Coaches, Content Creators and Online Entrepreneurs are making a lot of money promoting Free Webinars. During these webinars they teach, educate and support their viewers providing them some quick wins. Most of them don’t focus to much on selling their services. Instead,  they focus on making sure that their audience during the webinars can get great aha aha moment and they can walk away feeling inspired, excited, and of curse driven to take action. For this reason often they get a lot of those people buying.

Think about this approach allows them to deliver their content from a place of support and service. They put their head and heart in the right place and Imagine what a big change if from now on you start eating all your content with this new point of view and approach.

What should be the main key elements to create captivating content. Every piece of content you create should be valuable, detailed, specific, and actionable. At the same time It should motivate and inspire. To make all this possible your content needs to be relevant and grab attention. How can you make sure to create such content with all these awesome characteristics? You need to be intentional every time you create a piece of content.

Good content is not enough anymore!  Your content must be captivating, it needs to stand out from other millions of other pieces of content out there. Your content must attract new people of course, but at the same time needs to add value to your existing audience. The best content is the content that inspires empowers, ignites action and boost momentum.

- What is one of the secrets to create great content?

First of all, you need to know perfectly well your audience, your ideal client and your dream client. Ask yourself what is most important for my client? What are they currently drawn to? What are they talking about? What is really important to them? What are they talking about? What do they need most of all? What are they struggling with?

I recommend you to create a list and keep it updated regularly with all the ideas, topics and things that you know for sure your audience would like to learn more about. Always think on paper. Create a spreadsheet and any time you see your audience talking about something important to them take note and schedule a time to regularly review the spreadsheet and find ideas to create intentional content about what is important for them. 

- Open Up and Be Vulnerable 

Be human at all time and  Share the behind the scenes or something about you to be seen from your audience as someone more like them. This will give you more chances to open more personal conversations with your audience and it will be easier for them to see you as their guide, as an expert that can understand them. Do your best to share more personal side of you.

At the end of the day people buy from people and they prefer to buy from those that have something in common with them. Keep that in mind as you consider sharing more of what you are all about with your audience. 

- Use Stories More often and more consistently

Tell your audience good stories about you, about your clients and about their transformations. Stories are super powerful. They are how we make sense of the world and when you share your story or those of your clients that are similar to them you create instant relatability. 

As you begin to hear how your students, customers, or clients have experienced transformation or success of any sort using your services document it. Create content with it, Video stories, video testimonials, Pictures with text and captions as posts, audio messages, video or audio interviews. Talk about it. Tell their stories, it always goes a long way. Another strategy is to give specific details and steps. Create content that people want to read, watch, listen and most of all share with their friends and contacts. 

- Pull Back The Curtain 

Another way to elevate your content is by pulling back the curtain. The behind the scenes are my favourite and they can work well in any business. They work well if you are a Coach, a Content Creator, or an Entrepreneur. These helps your ideal clients to see how things work from a different perspective. 

You can for example, talk about your work, your daily routine, how you plan your day, what happens when you don’t hit your deadlines. There is no limit to what you can do once you start using the behind scenes in a more creative way.

So schedule some time to think about your next content you want to create. Be intentional and strategic and Define your ideal clients and do some research to discover what kind of content can grab their attention and provide them value. The great thing is that you don’t need to be perfect at the beginning. You can keep implementing your strategies along the way studying your metrics and insights. Don’t wait to be perfect and Start right now and practice will make you perfect.

Are you too busy to create super cool, engaging and attractive content? No worries we can take care of it and we can also distribute it for you.

Contact us today to discover how to make your Social Media a Powerful Tool to make Your Business Grow.